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The perfect gift for any soon-to-be mum who wants to do it the natural way.
This is a comprehensive easy to read 10 page downloadable printable E booklet covering all the essentials for the weeks lead up to and including childbirth.
Find a wealth of self help tips and homeopathic remedies for :
Before birth - how to prepare mother and child
How to initiate labour and tips for during labour
Rremedies to aid productive contractions
Rremedies for painful labour
Notes on the delivery
What to do with the cord
Post partum remedies for the baby
Delivery of the placenta
Haemorrhage after the birth
Episiotomy or Perineal tear
Remedies after a vaginal birth or Caeserian
Feeding and latching problems
Mastitis and engorgement
Cracked Nipples
Vitamin K shot
Nappy rash
Recommended further reading